Friday, July 1, 2011

Once a Month Resolution

Did you notice I forgot June? And truth be told, I kind of took May off too! Not really because I was working on eating and exercise. (Which is a constant battle.) Just to refresh you all...

January = Exercise

It has been okay. It isn't 5x every week, but I am doing more than I ever have.

February = Eating habits

Some days are good, some days are bad. I have this great friend at The B.M.C. Report that eats very healthy and exercises often. I have thought for awhile that if she knew what I ate, I would be embarrassed. So I started texting her everyday with what I was eating. It has been a huge help. With it being my birthday month things have been a little off, but again...better than it used to be.

March = Read more to my kids

This has been going well. The summer reading club at the library helps for sure.

April = Green cleaning

This has been great. I am still using only vinegar and getting ready to switch my dishwasher detergent.

May = Focus on eating and exercise

Now that you are up to date I am sure you are wondering what July will bring. To be honest, it has been difficult to decide. There is so much I want to do. I am going to focus on something that will benefit my whole family.

I am going to try a new recipe for dinner once a week and try to only have beef 2 times a month.

There you have it. Continue to pray for me and my endeavors!

1 comment:

Momma of The B.M.C. Report said...

I LOVE your idea of a once a month resolution! You have really done a great job this past month. You don't give yourself enough credit, my friend! Keep the texts coming it helps me too:) xoxox