Thursday, July 14, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Yesterday I had the privilege of helping a lady I had never met. Ya see, she cut her Achilles tendon and can not put weight on her foot for 8 weeks. Do you remember about a year ago when I had stitches in my leg and couldn't do anything for about one week? Well, I do. And I hated it. I remember laying on the couch thinking, "I really just want to sweep my floor, or wash those fingerprints off the front door."

When the opportunity presented itself to help this lady clean, I signed up. (Remembering how I felt.) I have to admit, I felt a little weird going to a complete strangers house and saying, "Hi, you don't know me. I have seen you at Zumba twice before. Anyhow, I am here to clean." I am sure she felt weird too. Either way, I was happy to be there and willing to do whatever she requested. (Turns out as I was cleaning I recognized a picture of her husband. He had spoke at our church before and mentioned his wife's blog. Which of course I checked out and loved!)

To tell you the truth, I enjoyed it. My spiritual gift is service and I love doing it.
(Most of the time!)
Sometimes it just takes simple things to make people smile. And who doesn't love to smile!?

Today I am thankful to serve others and bring them a little bit of happiness!

Tell me friends...
What are you thankful for this Thursday?

PS. Check back tomorrow to see my new hair do!!! I have a little surprise!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your the best!!