Thursday, March 8, 2012

Thankful Thursday

It is a rainy day.

I love the sound of rain.

It is peaceful. Relaxing. Calming.

For some reason the rain reminds me to slow down and relax.

So this morning I had a little time to do just that.

Naturally I got on Pinterest.

This may seem crazy to some of you, but I love it. I am sure you have heard people say this. But is amazing. Rob needed an idea for the boy scouts to make bird feeders. I simply got on Pinterest and searched bird feeders. 100s came up. Now...I understand I can Google bird feeders and kinda of get the same result. Notice I said "kinda"? It is not the same. If I googled it I would get bird feeders to buy and all sorts of things. But for the most part, on Pinterest, they are feeders we can make. Amazing! It really can make my life a lot easier when it comes things like this. (Sometimes it can make it complicated and expensive! Ooops!)

Today I am thankful for Pinterest!
So tell me...What are you thankful for today? Or what do you love about Pinterest?

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