Wednesday, January 4, 2012

It's Time for Africa

Are you wondering if I am going?

I do have a deep desire to go to Africa. And one day I will...


But for now I want to share with you about a dear, dear family that is going.

Diana, she blogs at Daily Walking by Faith, her husband Brett and their 3 children (Liz-who is our favorite babysitter, Ethan, and Emma) will be making a trip to Kenya in July. I can't tell you a lot about how God got them to this place (I would encourage you to go to her blog to read a little of their story) but I can tell you they are an amazing family and God is doing some awesome work through their entire family.

I got to know Diana through our church about 4 years ago when her and I were on staff together. She is one of those people that when she is doing something, she does it! She puts all her efforts into it. I absolutely love that about her. I saw that when we worked together and I see it now. Her family is the kind of family you look at and think, "I want to surround myself with people like that." They are just neat people.

As you can imagine, taking a family of 5 to Africa is not a small task. (Not to mention planning the trip.) If you go to here you can check out ways you can pray for them and support them.

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