Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Oh Yes...This is Happening

In a few months my husband will get on a plane with another guy, fly 22 hours to other side of the world an be in a place he has dreamed of going.
That is right.  Rob is going to AFRICA!
When we were just talking about him going it was exciting.
When I called to get information about his vaccines it became a little more real.
When the passport came over the weekend it hit me in the face.
And this week when we write the check for his plane ticket it will be real!
He is going with an organization called Equip1.
The organization was started by friends of ours that have been to Africa several times.
I am so excited that Rob gets this opportunity and it has already been awesome to see God at work.
Obviously there are many things to pray for...
The details of planning and preparing.
Good health.
for me while he is gone. (It will be the longest we have been apart.)
the kids while he is gone.
For the people they will come in contact with in Africa.
I have been thinking on this verse when I start to get little freaked out...
Especially, "the Lord Himself goes before you".
I know that God is already in Africa working.  He is just waiting for Rob to join him.
I am beyond excited for this journey and can't wait to share the rest with you all.
(Who knows...maybe I will be going in June.)

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