Thursday, March 31, 2011

Pissy or Pleasant???

WARNING: This post may contain vulgar language. (i.e. "pissy")

I went to bed last night already having a bad outlook on today. Due to that, I did not sleep well. I woke up feeling the same way. I was being faced, yet again, with the temptation of sin that I have been dealing with for months, needed to go clean my dad's house that he just moved out of, roofers making a ton of noise while working to take the old shingles off, trying to eat good, and the list could go on and on.


Before I even stepped foot out of bed I prayed, "Lord, this day does not belong to Satan. Please help me to not let him control my thoughts. This is your day. Help me to honor you with it!"
Then a sweet little boy came and cuddled up to me in bed. Joy came over me at that moment.
The day began like almost every other Thursday...trying to get one tired Broderick off to school. (This usually means whining and arguing.) I remembered my prayer and prayed it again. This turned the morning around and Broderick was off to school with a smile.
As the morning went on I was still struggling with feeling pissy. Carys has been on spring break and at my side for 4 straight days. Don't get me wrong, she is super sweet! She just loves to be with me, or anyone for that matter. She wanted to put on fancy dresses this morning and dance with me. (In case you are wondering, this is not the way I would choose to spend my morning.) Since I was trying to have an attitude that honors God I did dance with my pjs. All the while praying, "Lord, this is your day. Capture my thoughts."
I did go clean my dads and thankfully got done in time to meet up with 2 fabulous ladies at Chik-fil-A to let the kids play. This was good for me and good for Carys!

God used this simple act to change my attitude from pissy to pleasant. I was able to have great conversation with great friends while Carys played her little heart out. Now I can be thankful for the loud men on my roof. I mean, I am getting a new roof. I can be thankful for my sweet little Carys that wants hugs all the time. I can be thankful that the Lord is oh so patient with me. I can be thankful that my dad paid me to clean his apartment. I can be thankful I have options of things to eat. I am choosing to be pleasant!
(With the help of a lot of prayer!!!)

Are you being pissy or pleasant?


Ricki said...

Just for the record, I find you to be pleasant almost ALL the time :) And I am thankful for your post, because it is helping me to be pleasant today as well!

Amy said...

Thanks Ricki! If you were my children or husband you might think otherwise.