Saturday, March 29, 2014

Break My Heart for What Breaks Yours

Everyday we drive from Mbale to Kibuku, about a 45 minute drive through the countryside of Uganda.  It is breath taking, I am not going to lie. 
Each day I see huts, beautiful children yelling "mzugu", woman walking for water, children walking to school with no shoes, men working in the fields, boys herding cattle, ladies with children strapped on their backs, naked babies playing in the dirt, and many people struggling to survive. 
These things I am beginning to get used to.
Some days I see things I have not seen before.  Like a crippled, elderly man crawling down a dirt road.  Or a man that had been riding his bike now laying on the side of the road because he has been hit by a car.  Or bull horns fresh from the bull being transported in a box on a bike. 
 Each day brings something new.  And those things I have not gotten used to.
Today, I watched 3 street orphans sit outside our car with nothing.  (they are had to see but they are in the picture above.)  The clothes they had on were filthy and torn.  They had no food.  And tonight as I sit in my comfy, cool, locked up room, I wonder where they are.  Did they ever find food or water?  Do they have a place to sleep?  Are they all huddled together to keep warm?  Are they afraid?
This is something I will never get used to.
No child should have to wonder where they will sleep, or how they will get food, or if someone is going to hurt them.  Today was a rough, heavy, emotional day.  (Don't get me wrong...there were great joyful moments.)  It ended with me sitting in the car in Mbale with 3 beautiful smiling faces looking back at me.  No where to call home, no one to call mom and no food to eat.

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