Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My love story

February 12, 2000 was the day that Rob proposed to me.

It was a Saturday night.

Rob used to lead worship at our old church so he picked me up at home and told me he was going to play his guitar on Sunday so he wanted to go get it set up, then we would go out for Valentine's Day. When we got to church he had asked me to go find something for him. I went off looking and when I came back to the Sanctuary it was locked. I knocked on the door and he came and got it, replying he didn't know it was locked. Then he went up onto the stage and asked me to come with him. I did. He then asked me to sit down. I did. Then he started playing this beautiful song I had never heard before. The last line of the song was "Amy, will you marry me?"

I looked at him with a look of utter confusion and said, "Are you serious!?" Romantic, I know. I had no clue if this was for real. He of course laughed and said, "YES!" Then I said, "YES!"

To this day, Rob and I don't remember any of the words from the song that he wrote for me except the last line. (I am sure he has it written down somewhere.)

Rob decided to propose at church because it was the place we met. That night we got engaged there and 10 months after that we got married there.

He decided to propose the weekend before Valentine's Day because he knew I would never expect it. I think he was right!

That was 12 years ago...and just the beginning of our love story. The rest is being written into something beautiful!

I love you, Babe! Happy Valentine's Day!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Awww... very sweet. I love it!