Thursday, December 29, 2011

Looking back...and forward

Well hello blog readers! I sure do hope that everyone had a fabulous Christmas! I know we did! Now that the dust is settling, toys are being put away, and New Years is just a few days away things seem to be getting back into a little bit of normalcy.

Normal, what is that anyway!?

As I look back over 2011 I think of lots of great memories. Disney being at the for front, of course. (Oh, how I would love to go back tomorrow!)

I also think of how life has changed and stayed the same all at the same time.
How is that?
How will 2012 be different.

Lots of people are thinking about resolutions or goals for the year. I believe this is a good thing. However, all to often January comes and goes, and we fall back into the same routines. Last year I tried to do the once a month resolution which was great. I can honestly say, it was good for me, but there are a lot of resolutions I made that I did not fully commit to. I will be looking back over them each month and continuing to work on them.

My goal, resolution, focus...whatever you want to call to seek Him first.

The Bible says, But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. (Matthew 6:33) My main focus this year is this verse. That in all things I will seek Him first.

My marriage.
My parenting.
My friendships.
My health.

What are you going to change, work on, resolve?

1 comment:

Jenna said...

Great words, Amy! I'm just working towards having a softer heart towards my family, the Lord, my neighbors who are lost. So tired of living so much for myself! xoxo