Monday, February 4, 2008

John 2:1-11

Yesterday our pastor spoke on this passage. Let me just tell you...I could feel the Lord speaking to me from the beginning. There was one verse that really got to me though. John 2:7 says Jesus said to the servants, "Fill the jars with water"; so they filled them to the brim. Before the pastor even starting talking about this verse I was thinking, "this would have been hard work." I mean, they didn't just have a hose they hooked up and put into the jars. The Bible also says there were 6 jars about 20-30 gallons each. That is a lot of water. Then our pastor said, when the servants started filling the jars they didn't know what the end result was going to be. They didn't know Jesus was going to turn the water into wine. This was the first of Jesus' miracles. The servants probably didn't know much about Jesus at this point. What I felt God saying to me was this: Your jars, Amy, are your children. Fill them to the brim. Yes, it will be hard work, but you don't know what the end result will be. Then I started thinking, how can I fill them if I feel empty? I know the answer is, I need to fill myself with the Holy Spirit. I am still working on this part of the message. If anyone has any pointers let me know.
Along with the above message, I have been reading Bringing Up Boys by James Dobson. This book has been wonderful but scary at the same time. The message of filling up my kids has just been reinforced. If anyone reading has young boys or will be having soon, I highly recommend reading this book. If just gets you thinking.

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