Saturday, December 1, 2012

B - Boy


 (1 year)
 (2 years)
 (3 years)
 (4 years)
 (5 years)
 (6 years)
 (7 years)
 (8 years)
(9 years)
Today is your birthday!
You are 9!
(In 9 more years you will be 18!  18!)
As I look back at all these pictures, I am reminded of so many memories.
The fear and excitement I felt as I laid in the hospital bed thinking, "I am a mom!"
The tears I cried the first year of you life as I tried to figure out how to care for you.
The joy you brought to me with each milestone.
How much fun it was to watch you explore your surroundings.
The challenges that came with having you and a baby.
The happiness I had watching you play and love your sister.
Seeing you change into this boy...not a toddler or preschooler anymore, but a boy.
Watching you learn to read and write.
The fears of becoming a mom to an adolescent.  A child that was in school all day.
Out of my care for the majority of the day.
Developing into your own person.  (As if you weren't that from day one!)
Seeing you experience all the wonderful things of Disney World.
And now...9.
You made me a mother.
You gave me this name that I love so dearly.
I had no clue what it truly meant that day you entered the world, and I am still learning so much.
You have taught me so much!
Happy Birthday Sweet Boy!
I am so excited for the next 9 years!

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