Monday, December 17, 2012

I Have Returned from the Bubble

Yes, the time came for me to come home and leave the most magical place on Earth. 

2 things...
1.  If you have been you know the above to be is a bubble and a magical bubble at that!
2.  If you have not been, the two things above are true.
(Even though I ran into a lady I know today who has been and she didn't not like it!  So, I guess it is not for everyone...but it IS for me!)

Yesterday we returned from our 8 day trip to Disney.  Last year, around this same time, was our first time there.  While nothing can compare to the first trip, this one was AWESOME!  I could go on for days about all that we did and all the fun we had, but I will some it up with some pictures...

This kid made me laugh so much this past week.  He was so much fun to be with!
We may have seen the next American Idol star...seriously!

I met my favorite princess again.  (Ricki, do you see what I told you?)
She was so sweet and when she found out Broderick knew all there is to know about sharks, she had him sitting right next to her rattling off shark facts.  It was great!

We met some knew characters!

We got up close and personal with some animals!
We tried on hats, and laughed a lot!

We met some more new characters.

We slowed down and took it all in.

We (by we I mean Carys) dressed like a princess.
We rode our favorite rides!

We played in the gift shops.

We wore matching t-shirts for Rob's 40th birthday!
It was awesome!

We made new inside jokes and laughed some more!
"Where's Fabio!?"

We got rained on but did not let that ruin our fun!

We danced in the streets and were carefree!

We had a WONDERFUL time!
Can you tell?

Friday, December 7, 2012

Happy Birthday to my Hubby

Tomorrow my amazing husband turns
I am so excited to celebrate this special day with him!
(We have all kinds of things planned.)
In honor of him I am going to give you 40 random facts about him.
1. He was born in Pennsylvania
2. He has a brother.
3. He has a sister.
4. He was raised in a christian home.
5. His family actually started a church in a chicken coop.
6.  They were known in the town as the Chicken Coop Church.
7. He grew up on a farm.
8.  He once had a bat attack his face.
9.  He used to chase tires down a hill for fun.
10. He worked on a strawberry farm...or was it a tomato farm?
11.  He built houses.
12.  He has blue prints for a house that he wanted to build someday.
13.  When he was in high school he was girl crazy.
(He's going to love me for that!)
14.  His youth leader was very instrumental in his walk with the Lord.
15.  He has been to Spain.
16.  He followed a girl (shocker) to the college he went to.
(Good thing or I would have never met him.)
17.  He paid for college himself.
18.  When he was in college he made some great friends.
19.  Him and those friends did crazy things.
20.  After college he was a youth leader.
(halfway there.)
21.  He was also a worship leader.
22.  He played the guitar.
23. He stole my heart with that guitar.
24.  His first job after college was with Lipton.
25.  His second job was with Store Door Merchandising.
26.  He is still with the same company.  (They have a new name)
27.  He is now a Vice President there.
28.  He asked me to marry him Valentines Day weekend.
29.  He wrote me a song.
30.  He is a very organized person.
31.  He does a lot of our Christmas shopping.
32.  He has taken a mud bath at a spa!
33.  He is a good cook.
34.  One year he spent a whole day with me baking cookies.
35. He used to collect Coke things.
36.  He also collected a TON of GI Joe things for Broderick.
37. He hates playing board games.
38.  His favorite drink is Sweet Tea.
39. He is the funnest person. (that is what Carys said!)
40.  He is great at decorating.
Wowza!  I can't believe I did that!
Babe, have a great birthday!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

B - Boy


 (1 year)
 (2 years)
 (3 years)
 (4 years)
 (5 years)
 (6 years)
 (7 years)
 (8 years)
(9 years)
Today is your birthday!
You are 9!
(In 9 more years you will be 18!  18!)
As I look back at all these pictures, I am reminded of so many memories.
The fear and excitement I felt as I laid in the hospital bed thinking, "I am a mom!"
The tears I cried the first year of you life as I tried to figure out how to care for you.
The joy you brought to me with each milestone.
How much fun it was to watch you explore your surroundings.
The challenges that came with having you and a baby.
The happiness I had watching you play and love your sister.
Seeing you change into this boy...not a toddler or preschooler anymore, but a boy.
Watching you learn to read and write.
The fears of becoming a mom to an adolescent.  A child that was in school all day.
Out of my care for the majority of the day.
Developing into your own person.  (As if you weren't that from day one!)
Seeing you experience all the wonderful things of Disney World.
And now...9.
You made me a mother.
You gave me this name that I love so dearly.
I had no clue what it truly meant that day you entered the world, and I am still learning so much.
You have taught me so much!
Happy Birthday Sweet Boy!
I am so excited for the next 9 years!