Monday, September 17, 2012


Have you seen this movie?

If you haven't, and are a germaphobe, don't! 

If you have, I bet you are a germaphobe now! 

It is about an infectious disease that spreads rapidly and it pretty short lived, but you die.  There of course is no cure or vaccine. 

It really was a good movie. 

There is only one problem...

Now I am worried about all the germs everywhere!  I literally have washed my hands or used hand sanitizer about 15 times today. 

I keep thinking about all the germs on carts and doors and food!
Which I guess isn't a bad thing, as long as I don't take it to an extreme.

Tell me...have you seen it.  What did you think?

I am off now to disinfect my house make cookies!

Have a wonderful day.

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