Monday, February 23, 2009

No cookies for me

Yesterday Broderick and I took a little trip to the grocery store, before going to get the pizza for movie night. Some of you are aware that I have been trying to watch what I have been eating. I have been doing pretty good. Every now and then there is a day that turns out to be a disaster. Take last Friday for example...I went to my aunt's with my mom and had lunch with all my aunts and mom. One of my aunts brought all this yumminess from the best grocery store bakery in town. I went down! Then Rob and I got fast food for dinner, which let me just say, it didn't even sound good. Since I can't say no to food I ate it anyway. Then Saturday my friend Carrie took me out for a day of fun. I will just say pedicures were involved! We also went out to lunch, you guessed it, I went down again. By Saturday night I felt like I was going to vomit. I am not exaggerating. I really thought I was going to be sick. So anyway, back to the grocery...of course when I was leaving, the cute little girl scouts were there selling their cookies. It took everything inside of me to keep walking right by them. I did it though! Be proud of me please!!! This is huge for me. I love girl scout cookies. Even writing about them makes my stomach growl.

1 comment:

jenny said...

Way to hold up against the girl scouts!!! I, on the other hand, hit walgreens and rite-aid yesterday in search of my biggest weakness...bunnies and chicks...bought 2 bags! Keep up the good work with the WW!