Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Cheerful Giver

Not only has God totally blown me away with the generosity of my friends and family, but now he is blowing me away with the generosity of children!  Like I mentioned in my last post, the kids are doing their own fundraiser, Change 4 Change.  The kids shared this weekend at our church gathering with about 100 children about where they are going and what they will be doing.  (You can watch the video here.  It's a little long but worth the 7 minutes!) They sent home flyers about the Change 4 Change fundraiser for all the children.  Here a few stories about the generosity of children:

- One little girl was at church Saturday night and heard the Broderick and Carys share.  She was coming back Sunday morning to serve with her family.  She told her mom she wanted to take her change to give.  She didn't even think about it!  She was there Saturday and gave Sunday!

- A 5 year old girl told her parents she wanted to give ALL her savings to Broderick and Carys.  I know what you are thinking..."how much savings does a 5 year old have?"  First of all it doesn't matter.  What matters is she wanted to give it ALL.  It could have been $1 or over $100 (which is was over $100 by the way!!!!)  I also give huge credit to her parents for allowing her to give it all.  If one of my kids wanted to give over $100 I think I might talk them out of it.  Way to go mom and dad!!!

- A little girl gave me 4 pennies.  She found them and wanted Carys and Broderick to have them.  (Again, I think of the 2 copper coins)

- Almost every child at our house church brought something last night to give.  And again, the amount doesn't matter.  These children are taking what they have and asking who needs it. 

Every child that gave had a HUGE smile on their face.  It is so humbling to watch a joyful child give what they have. 

2 Corinthians 9:7
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

I can not wait to get back and share with all these sweet children the amazing ways God used their change.

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