Monday, September 13, 2010

Plans Derailed

If you were to ask me if I was a planner at first I would say no. The reason is because I don't plan long term things. My calender, and brain, can only go one month out...max! I do however like to have a routine for the day, aka plans. I like structure and consistency in my home. I like to know what I am making for dinner the day before it comes. So when summer was coming to an end and I was making plans for the coming school year I got very excited. I found fun lunch and snack ideas for Broderick, morning routine including healthy breakfast, making beds, brushing teeth and Bible time with the kids, after school routine including relaxing, chores, homework, and playing, what days I would clean, grocery shop, and hang out with friends. I could not wait to get these things started. I knew that the first couple of weeks I would need to be super patient with Broderick due to him adjusting to all day school so I didn't have to high expectations for the after school part and knew we would ease into that! You might be thinking one of two things: That sounds great, how is it working out or You are crazy why do you like routine? I don't have an answer to the 2nd question. But to the first hasn't been happening. It all sounds good and looks good on paper, but this whole situation with my leg has kinked things. We heard a message at church a couple of weeks ago on planning. You can go here and listen to it. It was really good, but I left and didn't really feel like a was a planner. Boy was I wrong. Just because I plan day by day doesn't make me any less of a planner. I have been learning that I need to take each day at a time. And while it is good for me to have some sort of structure in place I need to learn that it is okay to be flexible also. I still try to do all the things mentioned above but realize it is not the end of the world if my kids eat cereal every morning for breakfast or watch 2 shows instead of one after school it is okay. We are muddling through this life and trusting the Lord with each day.

This is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad.
Psalm 118:24

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