Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Boys will be boys...

and girls will be girls. I know this phrase if probably over used, but it is so true. Today Jenny and her kids were over and I was telling her about a book Rob is reading. (Fathered by God, by John Eldredge, I recommend every man and mother of sons should read this.) I was telling her about how the book talks about how boys need adventure. About 1 hour later this is what my house looked like. The boys were have sword fights. It was hysterical! The house was very loud and crazy for awhile, but they were having so much fun! There was no way I was going to tell them to stop, especially since Jenny and I had just been talking about it.
Beckett came a little more prepared for the battle! Even at the age of 3 boys feel this need for adventure and "exotic" play as the book calls it!
Where were the girls you ask? Playing ballerina quietly in the playroom!
Funny, don't you think!


jenny said...

Too cute! The pictures are hilarious and so true to boy and girl tendancies! So good to hang out...for the kids and for me....even if we did destroy your house. :) Thanks for inviting us over!

Ferree Bowman Hardy said...

Loved the fun pics and seeing your vacation! What a blast!

Jeni said...

Very cute and oh so true!! Jake would like it at your house...I need to be more adventurous.