Thursday, February 19, 2015


We are 1 month away!!!! 


Our departure day will be here before we know it.  I have started getting clothes out and making lists of what I need to buy.  Making doctors appointments and getting prescriptions. Planning our days out and how we can best proclaim Jesus while there. 

That being said, I am calling you to prayer! 
Please join us in prayer:
Safety while traveling
Health for our family
Broderick will be sharing his testimony to the school children.
Rob will be preaching.
The staff and children would be encouraged
God would be glorified and His work would be accomplished.

We would also ask that you be in prayer that there would be protection around our family from Satan's schemes.  Going a mission trip makes me acutely aware of the enemy at work.  I am not saying that he is after our family any more than he is after anyone elses.  The truth is, he HATES every follower of Jesus and is after us all every single day.  When preparing for a trip my radar is way up to his schemes.  I have been feeling him work in our midst which can be super frustrating.  However, I can also feel the Lord working in our midst and each one of us drawing nearer to Him, which is very encouraging. 

If you would like to receive more specific things to pray about leading up to our trip and while we are gone please email me ( and I will add you to a prayer email list.   


Wednesday, February 4, 2015



Look in your couch cushions, clean out your car,
and crack open your piggy bank.
We are asking you to donate your change to support our mission trip to
Ebenezer Children’s Ministry in Uganda.
Please send me an email if you are interested
 in donating your change.
We will be collecting it now through March 7.

Broderick and Carys are taking part in the fundraising for our trip again this year.  You may remember from last year that Change4Change brought in $1500!  The kids decided to use the money to build a house for a family of 12 living in small hut.

Actually, they didn't decide that...God did.  I remember us talking as a family and we had felt it placed on our hearts to do something for this family.  We were thinking some food maybe a bed or blankets.  Rob contacted George, the director of Ebenezer, and informed him we felt led to do something for them.  George's response, "We shall build them a house."  You can imagine our reaction.  WHAT!?  We are collecting change.  I'm pretty sure we are not going to be able to build them a house.  Well, we serve a BIG God.  Not only did Change4Change raise enough to build a house, but also to furnish it with beds and supply some food.  We are so excited to watch God work through all of you, your children and some change again this year!