Friday, October 15, 2010

Boasting in the Lord

I read this article the other day and it really got me thinking, "Man, the Lord has done some amazing things in my life over the last couple months and I don't think I have given him enough glory." So this post is all about Him and the things He has done in my life!

1. When my mom thought she had a nodule on her thyroid that could be cancerous it turned out to be thyroid tissue that wasn't connected to anything and the doctor pulled it out with her hand.
2. I have watched the Lord carry my best friend through one of the toughest things in her life. The death of her mother. Carrie has grown so much in this process and taught me a lot about trusting in him even when all we want to do is curl up and sob. She has looked outside of herself and sought out every opportunity to serve others in her suffering. One of the many reasons I love her so much.
3. After finding out I had a mole that was melanoma, something I would usually panic about God gave me a calm I have never felt before. I was scared don't get me wrong, but I just felt his presence through the whole thing. (Even when I was crying because I had to stay on the couch for 3 days and not walk!)
4. Watching my sister grow in her faith and praying one of her good friends through cancer to find out today that she doesn't have anymore cancer!
5. Being in awe of his wonderful creation. We have been studying Genesis at house church, and to just finish creation during this beautiful time of year has been such a blessing.

What has God been doing in your life?

1 comment:

Ferree Bowman Hardy said...

Your new design looks really cute and it was a Super Blessing to read about what the Lord's been doing in your life! I miss you! I'm putting your blog on my reader list so your new stuff appears on mine. :)