Friday, March 6, 2009


Rob let Broderick cut his hair over the weekend. So, if nothing else works out when he's older...he can be a barber.
Apparently my daughter knows how to draw people now. Not sure when this happened...I surely didn't teach her. I walked into the play room the other day and she said, "Look mom, I drew you." It looks just like me don't you think?
It happened folks...I registered Broderick for Kindergarten. That is my BIG boy holding his papers. I know it is just kindergarten, but this is the beginning of the next 13 years. My life as a stay-at-home mom with young kids at home is about to come to a screeching halt!! Broderick will be gone every morning and Carys will be gone at preschool 2 mornings a week. It is just crazy to think about. I am sure some of you are thinking I should just have another one. Let me just tell you that bridge is closed! We will NOT be going there. Thanks for the thought though!
Be praying for this little guy...that he would make great friends and have a wonderful teacher that will invest in him and meet his needs as best she can.

1 comment:

Ferree Bowman Hardy said...

Your husband is one brave guy!