Thursday, January 15, 2009

Naptime at my house...

has been looking a little bit like this.
I put her in her bed with 2 blankets, and usually 2 stuffed animals or babies. She has somehow been getting things off the floor in her room into her bed. After I took this picture I went in about 10 minutes later and she had her baby highchair in her bed. I have not figured out how she is doing this, but it looks like I am in trouble when we move her to a toddler bed. What do you think?

1 comment:

Ferree Bowman Hardy said...

Hi Amy! I'm finally back to blogging. Karis cracks me up. She's obviously breaking out from behind bars, so to me, that's a sign that she's more than ready for the next bed. And that'll be safer than her climbing in and out of the crib carrying everything imaginable. I love it!