Today my baby girl turns 3. This is a big thing! I feel like 3 is so much older than 2. I will say it is one of my favorite ages though. So here is to my not so little Carys.
You are extremely silly...
You are full of joy...
and smiling most of the time. I have never met a child that smiles and laughs as much as you do. I pray every night that you will continue to be filled with the joy of the Lord and be able to pass it on to others.
You are SUPER dramatic...
and can cry very easily. Sometimes if you have done something you shouldn't and Daddy just looks at you, you start crying! You get your feelings hurt very easy, but tend to recover quickly. You are like a switch, one minute happy and smiling, the next crying big crocodile tears. You have it figured out girly!!!
You are SUPER dramatic...
You are a true beauty...
with amazing blue eyes, fair skin and dark hair. When I look at you I see the handiwork of God. I am amazed that he has put you in our family and that he has created you so beautiful with such an awesome personality. I feel truly blessed to have such a wonderful daughter. My prayer is that you grow to love Jesus and have a true desire to follow him with all that you are. May you use these wonderful qualities to serve him!
Happy Birthday Sweet Daughter!
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