It is vague. Which leads me in all different directions with my answer.
I could say, "Incredible!" Because it was. It was incredible meeting children I have seen in pictures so many times and longed to meet. It was incredible to buy food for two orphanages and watch God multiple the money we had to spend.
(before) (after)
It was incredible to have church in the African bush.
It was incredible to go on a boat ride in the Nile. It was incredible to walk through villages in a place I dreamed of being. It was incredible making new friends that I feel forever bonded to.
It was incredible.
I could say, "Heartbreaking." Because it was. It breaks my heart to see people living in such poverty. It breaks my heart to watch 100s of kids walk miles to school with no shoes. It breaks my heart to hold a sweet boy in my arms and know that the next day I go home.
It breaks my heart that even though we got to fill the pantry for two orphanages, I know that food will run out. It breaks my heart that people die from an illness caused by a bug, that can be treated and prevented.
It breaks my heart that kids are basically thrown away. It breaks my heart that people go their whole lives and don't know about the love and grace of Jesus.
It was heartbreaking.
It was terrible.
I could say, "A Blessing." Because it was. It was a blessing that God asked me to go show love to the people of Uganda. It was a blessing to give a child on the street $10 and watch his eyes light up and then run home. It was a blessing to pass out pillows that Carys organized to have made for the kids at Ebenezer.
It was a blessing that I got to spend 3 days with Georgie. It was a blessing to see a place that my husband ached for. It was a blessing to pray over woman who care for orphans everyday. It was a blessing to watch the same women sing and clap after receiving a a small gift. It was a blessing to be a part of Ebenezer purchasing land to build a permanent home on.
It was a blessing.
I could tell you 100 more things and show you 1500 pictures, but if you want the short was life-changing. (I like to give the long answer too and go through all my pictures often, so if you want the long version let me know!) I will never be the same. I will never view anything the same. Part of me will always long to be there. I will pray and depend on the Lord in a way I have never before. My heart will ache each day for the people I met and the things I saw. God used a place with red dirt and brown faces to change my life forever. And for that I am thankful.